Categories Bryn Mawr Features

Japanese Exchange Program with BMC

By Juvia Han, Social Media Editor Alumnae from Keisen University in Japan visited Bryn Mawr College on Friday, October 5, where they were guided around campus by current Bryn Mawr College exchange students from Tokyo’s Keio University. Keisen University was…

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Categories Features Haverford

Keeping Customs Current & Contemporary

By Jo Mikula, Opinion Editor Haverford Customs has been around in one form or another since about the mid-1800s, when a group of upperclassmen “spontaneously began keeping the peace in Barclay, the college’s first dorm, by quieting the rowdy underclassmen…

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Categories Features

A Day in the Life of a Beekeeper

By Al Mazzoli, Staff Writer In a small room at the Friends School at Haverford, Eli St. Amour performs a honey extraction. A few people stand around the centrifuge, a big silver contraption supported by green metal bars and cinder…

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Categories Bryn Mawr News

Bryn Mawr Rings in Another Fall Plenary

By Kate Hawthorne, Arts Editor The doors to Goodhart Theater opened at 6:30 p.m. on October 1, welcoming Bryn Mawr students to Fall Plenary. While waiting to reach quorum, students enjoyed performances by Ajoyo, a Bryn Mawr Dance group that…

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Categories Haverford News

Haverford Implements New Graduation Requirements

By Matt Dodds, Staff Writer The Haverford College Education Policy Committee (EPC) recently unveiled a new set of general education requirements that shift the borders of traditional course categories and require fewer classes per curriculum division. The EPC revised and…

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Categories Features

New Philly Based Program for Tri-Co

By Charlie Lynn, News Editor Calista Cleary’s work space at Bryn Mawr is a tiny circular table covered with papers and folders, tucked away in a small office on the second floor of Taylor Hall. She’s here on Friday mornings, at…

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Categories Haverford News

Haverford Fall Plenary

By Charlie Lynn, News Editor When Haverford’s current Student Council Co-Presidents Maurice Rippel ‘19 and Andrew Eaddy ‘19 sat down to plan this year’s Fall Plenary, they took a look back at what Plenary had been in the past. Past…

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