Smooth Sailing at Bryn Mawr Plenary

By Sophie Webb, Co-Editor-In-Chief

Bryn Mawr students gathered in Goodhart Hall on Sunday, March 24 at 7:00 p.m. to ring in another successful Plenary where five resolutions were presented and passed. After a slight hiccup in the calculation of how many students were needed to achieve quorum, the event got started around 8:35 p.m. Proceedings began with a moment of silence for the victims of the Christchurch terrorist attack in New Zealand and the Muslim community at Bryn Mawr and beyond. Led by Student Government Association (SGA) President Nanda Bhushan ‘19 and fellow SGA Board members, this Spring’s plenary moved smoothly, efficiently, and successfully.

The first resolution was the reaffirmation of the SGA Constitution, which was passed with overwhelming support and no discussion. The second resolution was the recommitment to the values of the Honor Code, which is done every spring. The resolution was passed without discussion.

The third resolution proposed the implementation of reusable takeout containers in the dining halls. Bryn Mawr College Dining Services (BMCDS) spends over  $23,434.08 on the current takeout system. The resolution called for the college to invest in 1,800 reusable takeout containers, estimated for one year, that would cost only $8,280.00 in total. The new system would save a significant amount of money and cut back on waste. After some discussion about the details of the system and how it would operate within the Tri-Co, the resolution was passed.

The fourth resolution called for an updating of the Social Honor Code and institutionalizing Dialogue on Race. The resolution explained how Bryn Mawr was an institution created by and for white women, and how addressing this problematic legacy must done through intentional and careful work. The resolution, proposed by Arpita Joyce ‘20,  Kamara Dyer Simms ‘19, and Sofia Colosimo ’19 explained that Dialogue on Race is a “community engagement program, started in Baton Rouge by Maxine Crump,” which “facilitate[s] conversations regarding structural racism.” The program already exists at Bryn Mawr, and the resolution states that the “Honor Board will work in collaboration with Dialogue on Race and the Deans to increase Board member training on bias and mediation. These measures will serve as a step towards communal accountability and harm-reduction on all fronts.” Section IV, Subsection B, Point #1 of the honor code now includes specific language about racism and bias, saying, that “The Social Honor Code expects that all community members work to unlearn their implicit biases and engage in meaningful conversations when conflicts arise from harmful behavior. The resolution was passed.

The fifth resolution called for the SGA Treasurer to be a Co-Held Position. The resolution explained that the volume of work currently rested on the shoulders of one SGA Treasurer is great, and that making the position co-held by two students will alleviate undue stress from the treasurer as an individual, and allow for more attention to be paid to the financing of Alliance of Multicultural Organizations (AMOs), and Bi-Co clubs. The resolution was passed.

The sixth and final resolution proposed the addition of Dining Services Representatives to the Representative Council. The resolution proposed that the existing Dining Services Coordinators serve as SGA Representatives in order to better represent the historically underrepresented community of student workers. After some discussion, the resolution was passed.

The digital platform VoxVote, which has been used at Plenary since last year, worked without issue and quorum was maintained throughout the evening.

Photo credit: Sophie Webb


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