Horoscopes: Week of 12/13

By Izzie Ludlow and Isabelle Meegan, Staff Writers

Aries: After you turn in that last paper, you have to mind your p’s and q’s around your relatives. Be careful, anything you say can come back and bite you. I wouldn’t waste too much time under the mistletoe, but I would spend quality time with your most eccentric acquaintances. You’ll learn something new about yourself.

Taurus: You may have the urge to just cuddle up in bed and hibernate until break, but it’s essential that you stay motivated to complete those finals that need to get done. Even though there’s much to do, sleep is still important. Holiday season might seem overwhelming this year, but focus on spending time with the ones you love.

Gemini: Stop playing! Let both of your astrological twins come out to play. These finals will get done, but you have to get down to your self-care business and shed some mental weight off. Take time to reconnect with yourself, and be cautious of dreaded exes and toxic friends. The stars want you to shed your problems, not take care of more.

Cancer: Once finals are through, it’s time for some self care! You’ve worked all semester to get to this point, so don’t give up now! And once you’re done, treat yourself to a spa day. This is also a great time to prep yourself for all those holiday parties, so you can glow under that mistletoe.

Leo: Yes! Not only will you kill your finals, but you are coming back into your glorious self. Walk around that holiday party dressed to impress, and you will wow every guest. Keep up the confidence and strut your stuff, Leo!

Virgo: You may be feeling like everything is just a bit too stressful right now, but don’t worry, this stress should begin to fade once break begins. Get in the holiday spirit and enjoy spending time with those around you. Don’t forget to make time for yourself though, as you may be feeling like your social life is too overbooked currently.

Libra: Turn in those final assignments, and shed the academic stress away. It is your time to be the social butterfly that you can be. Take the time out of your day to put the effort into a hostess gift. Make sure you are attending those holiday obligations, even if you are flying solo.

Scorpio: You may feel like break itself is stressing you out more than your finals. Now is a great time to try and get your plans finalized so you can calm that stress. Break should help give you time for relaxation and recuperation because college can get stressful, especially when you feel like you are constantly surrounded by your peers. You got this!

Sagittarius: It’s your season, so make sure you own it! Celebrate your birthday, finish those final assignments, and get ready to party! If you have felt like Mr. Cellophane recently, your invisibility should be gone by the end of the week. Keep on celebrating!

Capricorn: You may be feeling emotional lately, even though you can’t find the reason why. The upcoming holidays may have you feeling nostalgic for your childhood. Even though you often bottle up these feelings, it truly helps to let them out and vent if needed. Power through!

Aquarius: Right now, the stars are helping you unlock those key mental blocks that could prevent you from success. If you can push through the end of the semester, your break will be incredibly rewarding. Pay attention to details as you finish those finals!

Pisces: As everyone else’s energies seems to be dropping around finals and break planning, you seem to be full of excitement. This is starting to rub off on those closest to you. Keep up this upbeat energy as best you can; it’ll be a lifesaver for you and those around you during this upcoming week. If you’re losing steam a bit, remember to put yourself first!

Sources: Edut, Ophira & Tali. “Read Your Horoscope Now.” Astro Style Horoscopes by the Astrotwins, https://astrostyle.com/

Image credit: Wikipedia


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