BMC Spring ’23 Plenary Recap

On March 26, Bryn Mawr SGA held their Spring Plenary. The meeting moved rather quickly, with all of the resolutions brought up being passed with, for the most part, a minimal amount of comment and debate. Smooth and uneventful, Spring Plenary was a satisfying last hurrah for the current SGA E-board, as the following week would bring the the first meeting under the leadership of the newly elected E-Board.

The 2023 Spring Plenary began with current President Ananya Hindocha ‘23 reading out the history and importance of Plenary. This was followed by the first resolution, the reaffirmation of the SGA Constitution, which passed without any comment. The second resolution, which was the recommitment to the values of the Honor Code, also passed without questions or comments. 

The meeting then zeroed in on more niche resolutions, with the third concerning revision to signage in Park Science Building. This once again passed resoundingly and without comment. Introduced by Hannah Lawrence ‘23, resolution four concerned election requirements for the head of the Honor Board, and it also passed without comment. 

Maia Tsalik ‘26 then read out resolution five, which was in regards to the creation of a student workers’ representative and committee. This resolution passed as well, but unlike those prior did involve some comments, with Hindocha explaining that appointments for all new committees, including that committee, would be opened up in April. Natalie Schliekelman ‘26 then asked if the committee would have specific roles in order to represent different types of workers on campus properly, to which Tsalik replied that that would be up to the discretion of the SGA Vice President, explaining that the amendment passed would not specifically create any requirements for the committee, but those roles can be created if the need arises in the future. 

Hindocha returned for the sixth resolution and Tsalik read the seventh, which involved, respectively, updates to the SFC bylaws and routine updates to the SGA constitution. These passed, with the main SGA updates going to the Institutional Memory Committee as well as institutionalizing the routine updating of committee descriptions every fall for SGA constitutional review.

Thus ended the discussion of resolutions in the meeting. Resolutions that passed were voted on through a remote Google form similar to the one used for Plenary student voting last semester. As for the meeting, Hindocha then went on to remind Spring Plenary attendees that nominations for the next SGA election were due to open soon, and included SGA E-board Vice President, class of ‘24 Honor Board, class presidents, and Traditions Mistexes for the class of ‘25. Since the meeting, nominations for these positions have concluded and the elections will soon be open to voting. After this, announcements no longer concerned SGA-related matters, and after moving along at a brisk, efficient pace, Spring Plenary concluded at 7:23 PM. 


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