Multiple Students Report Harassment and Racial Profiling by Unidentified Males

In the late afternoon of Monday, January 29, students from the Bi-Colleges received an email from Bi-Co Executive Director of Campus Safety Lillian Burroughs, stating that multiple students were assaulted and harassed near Bryn Mawr College campus on January 26. The students, who remain anonymous in the email, claimed to have had eggs and liquids thrown at them by men in a dark SUV, who also hurled insults and racial slurs at them.

“This past weekend, students encountered, on three separate occasions, and minutes apart, several young men driving a dark SUV shouting racial slurs and throwing objects such as eggs and liquids out the car window, striking a couple of our students,” the email states.

According to the weekly security reports, just before the initial report came in, a student called Campus Safety at 12:38 AM and described a disturbance near the Pembroke Arch of “males yelling in the area.”

Only minutes later, at 12:41 AM, from an off-campus location, a student reported being yelled at by a group of males in a dark SUV and having an egg thrown at them. At 12:48 AM another student reported a similar allegation and claimed that a drink was thrown at them. According to the weekly Campus Safety report, both students reported the incident to the Lower Merion Police.

Burrough denied a request for further comment.

The Lower Merion police blotter report, whose dates correspond to Campus Safety’s, describes two incidents near Bryn Mawr’s campus as “suspicious person/circumstances/vehicles.”

The third incident came the morning after, at 8:54 AM when a student alleged that during “early morning hours” a group of males in a dark SUV hurled racial slurs and insults at them. The report states that the student did not file a police report, and there are no incidents in the Lower Merion blotter report that correspond to the allegation.

No reports have come in about incidents at Haverford College, though Haverford’s Campus Safety has yet to publish this week’s incident report.


  • Hannah Epstein

    Hannah Epstein is currently Co-Editor in Chief of the Bi-College Newspaper and part of Bryn Mawr class of 2026. For direct inquiries, please contact her at

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