Haverford Staff and Faculty Members Engage in Silent Vigil for a Ceasefire, Haverford Student Body Proceeds with Emergency Plenary

On the afternoon of February 22nd, Sachio Takashima and David Harrington Watt, a custodian and professor of Quaker Studies at Haverford College, respectively, stand silent near the center of campus, holding a sign that says “Ceasefire Now.” Students pass, rushing for the Blue Bus. A tour of prospective students shuffle by.

Takashima briefly breaks his silence to speak with the Bi-Co News regarding the intentions of their vigil. “This, what we’re doing here, is in the tradition of the Quakers, … to stand in silence … it’s at the heart of Haverford’s values.”

Takashima, who works with the facilities staff at Haverford, is also an IDEA (Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Access) Community Fellow at the college. His partner in silence, Harrington-Watt, is the Douglas and Dorothy Steere Professor of Quaker Studies. “In a way,” Takashima adds, “you have one of the least powerful and one of the most powerful [tiers of faculty and staff] at the college here.”

When asked what they hope will be the effect of their action, Takashima says, “I imagine that this [vigil] doesn’t think so much about the audience, but turns inward toward the self.”

The Haverford College community has been engaging heavily in conversation surrounding the Israel-Hamas War. While this silent vigil looks to internal meditation on a cessation of violence in Gaza, Haverford’s Students’ Council is looking for a wider audience and statements of action.

At 2:41pm on the day of the vigil, the Students’ Council’s Co-Presidents sent an email confirming the initiation of an Emergency Plenary which will facilitate debates and voting on a Ceasefire resolution. They wrote, “we thank you for your engagement in this process as we use the shared governance mechanisms in place to promote dialogue and student voice.” Over 40% of student signatures required for the plenary to take place were amassed, and the first of two Plenary Town Halls will take place on February 29th at 7pm in Marshall Auditorium. The completed Plenary packet with attached amendments will be made available to the student body on February 28th.


  • Jessica Schott-Rosenfield

    Jessica Schott-Rosenfield is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Bi-College News. She is a junior at Haverford College double-majoring in English Literature and Classics, and minoring in Religion.

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