Posters Spark Action Against Disability Discrimination at Bryn Mawr

Posters have been found around the Bryn Mawr College dorms and buildings with the title “Join the Lawsuit” and a byline asking students to reach out if they had felt discriminated against by admin for their disabilities. The poster states that the organisers, whose names are not listed, are in the process of filing a lawsuit against the college for infringing on the rights of students with disabilities, listing the offenses as “denied accommodations, discrimination, and unlawful retaliation.”

Posters have beed found around Bryn Mawr College, claiming that administration has denied rights to students with disabilities.

Students and residents first noticed the photos at the beginning of the spring semester in the hallways, bulletin boards and bathrooms. Though the organisers chose to remain anonymous, they used an anagram of their name(s) at the bottom of the poster. In turn, a QR code was provided for students to scan. The QR code was linked to a form asking them to outline their experiences with how the Bryn Mawr admin had treated their disabilities. The poster assured students that getting involved in the lawsuit would not put them under any financial burden or expenses and that admin would not be able to act against them for their involvement. 

A section of the poster lists the advantages of the lawsuit, stating that “The law is behind us, They (admin) have to listen, We (the organisers) have a lawyer to guide us and Other colleges will listen, too”. T poster details the protections that the organisers promise which state that students who get involved will be safe from “legal attacks, academic attacks and financial burden”. The poster states that the organisers are ensuring the suit is free. 

The bottom of the poster urges students without disabilities to tell their friends with disabilities about the lawsuit. In addition, students were advised to fill out the survey even if they were uncertain if they had been discriminated against for their disabilities; “if admin makes them (you) feel weird pertaining to your disability”. 

As of April 2024, the posters are still up around the campus and the link to the survey is still open for students to scan and fill out. 


  • Rana Rastegari

    Rana Rastegari is a Co-Editor in Chief of the Bi-College Newspaper. She is a Junior at Bryn Mawr double majoring in Literatures in English and Chemistry.

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1 comment

[…] Posters have been found around the Bryn Mawr College dorms and buildings with the title “Join the Lawsuit” and a byline asking students to reach out if they had felt discriminated against by admin for their disabilities. The poster states that the organisers, whose names are not listed, are in the process of filing a lawsuit against the college for infringing on the rights of students with disabilities, listing the offenses as “denied accommodations, discrimination, and unlawful retaliation.” Read more… […]

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