Car Overturned on New Gulph Road, Driver Arrested on Bryn Mawr Campus

A car accident took place today near English House on New Gulph Road, in which a white vehicle was overturned. The driver of the car subsequently fled the scene onto Bryn Mawr’s campus, where he was arrested by the Lower Merion police.

According to an email sent out to the student body by the bi-co Executive Director of Campus Safety Lillian Burroughs, the driver of what was reportedly a stolen vehicle ran down Wyndon Avenue and “approached the president’s residence.” The email notes that witnesses saw the man attempting to enter the garage of the house.

Witnesses reported seeing the arrest take place near the college’s Child Study Institute on Wyndon Avenue.

An image of the crash after it took place. Photo by Isa Choi-Orr ’27.

According to current reports available to the Bi-Co News, only a singular vehicle was impacted in the initial crash. Students say they saw police lingering near Merion hall, the Pembroke Arch, and the Wellness center for around an hour following the incident. A campus safety car was spotted as well.

Bryn Mawr students were informed through the campus safety alert system at 3:19 p.m., which described the event in limited detail:

“Earlier today, an accident occurred on New Gulph Road near English House. The accident resulted in an overturn vehicle. The driver of the overturn vehicle fled the scene and onto campus and was apprehended by the Police. There is no further threat to campus.”

The initial incident, which took place behind Merion. (Image obtained by Hannah Epstein)

As of the time of publication, Bryn Mawr College administration and Campus Safety have said they were unable to offer any additional comments regarding the incident.

Anita Zhu, a graduate student at Bryn Mawr, told the newspaper that she saw the man getting arrested at around 3:10 p.m.

“I walk home everyday normally, so after I was done with class I was on my way home, and I saw the guy that was allegedly the one who stole a car”, she told the newspaper.

“It was kind of crazy… I didn’t know who he was or what was going on, he was a pretty normal looking guy… if the police hadn’t arrested him I wouldn’t have known he was a man who just allegedly stole a vehicle and crashed it.”

UPDATE 8:44 a.m. 02/06/2025

Further information regarding the incident has been provided to the Bi-Co News by the Lower Merion Police department.

According to information provided by the Lower Merion police department, the incident initially began at around 2:53 p.m. when a man committed a carjacking on Lancaster avenue at the Hand and Stone Massage Spa. Subsequently, the man overturned the stolen vehicle at around 3:00 p.m., after which he tried to enter multiple building in and around Bryn Mawr Campus.

The man was arrested at 3:11 p.m. No injuries occurred.

This is an evolving story, and will be updated as comments and information become available.


  • Hannah Epstein

    Hannah Epstein is currently Co-Editor in Chief of the Bi-College Newspaper and part of Bryn Mawr class of 2026. For direct inquiries, please contact her at

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1 comment

TK Smith says:

Not a peep about BM/Ford’s production of “Chicago” last week? Bravura performances, IMHO. Sorry you missed ’em.

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