Haverford Music Department Faculty Perform Recital

On a rainy Friday afternoon, I came to the Jaharis Recital Hall to watch Heidi Jacob, director of instrumental studies at Haverford, lead a recital. Jacob, a cellist, played alongside her husband, pianist Charles Abramovich. The recital also included pianists Daniel Carunchio, Anna Kislisyna, and Katarzyna Marzec-Salwinski, and percussionist Alyssa Resh. The audience arrived at 4:00 p.m. and appeared to be an even mix of students, community members, and faculty. They chatted familiarly as they waited for the show to begin. 

Heidi Jacob came out silently and began the recital with a solo piece, “Coronach.” Composer Curt Cacioppo arranged the song for Jacob last year, after the passing of her twin brother. Jacob’s performance was intense and marked by sudden breaks of silence and inhalation.

Guillermo Gómez, Haverford music librarian, introduced the next piece. He said that he arranged the song “Hope” for cello and piano specifically for Jacob and Abramovich to play together. Gómez emphasized that the piece speaks to the uncertainty and unknowable aspect of hope and added that the original song was one his mother loved before she passed away in 2021. Arranging Hope for Jacob and Abramovich helped him “heal as a composer.” 

The couple played emotionally and their instruments complemented each other beautifully. Behind them, two large birds soared together past the large windows of the recital hall, against the grey sky. Alyssa Resh played timpani alongside Hedi Jacob’s cello in two movements from “Cinq Danses Dogoriennes” by Étienne Perruchon. Then, Charles Abramovic rejoined Jacob to play from Rachmaninoff’s Sonatina in G minor, Opus 18. 

Finally, the recital’s four pianists sat down together to play Rondo in C for 2 pianos/8 hands, by Bedřich Smetana. It was fascinating to observe and listen to the interaction between the four parts. As I watched, I couldn’t help but think of how the music faculty came together in collaboration to present their art and accomplishments to the community. 

We have many skilled musicians in the Bi-Co and these students work with talented, highly professional instructors. It was wonderful to appreciate them this January. 

The event was live-streamed on YouTube and is available to watch using this link.


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