A Tree is Felled in Haverford College Arboretum

HAVERFORD — All students across Haverford’s campus received a communication from Campus Safety on the morning of Mar. 21 at 10:41 a.m. warning community members to “Avoid Taped Off Area in front of the Dining Center,” noting that a tree was in danger of falling in the area.

Soon, the area of avoidance had widened to include the space between Lutnick Library and Chase Hall, a central area of campus blocked off with caution tape, and multiple entrances to campus building had been closed.

A spruce tree in the Peace Garden is cut down piece by piece. (Bi-College News/Jessica Schott-Rosenfield)

Claudia Kent, Arboretum Director and Assistant Director of Facilities Management told the Bi-Co News that she was alerted to the danger that morning, when a horticulturist had noticed that the base of a spruce tree in the Peace Garden was “fractured and … moving with the wind.”

The arboretum’s tree company, John B. Ward, was called and came immediately to take a look. Jim Ward, one of John B. Ward’s arborists, placed a winch strap on the spruce to hold it in place while a crane was called in to take the tree down. Within the hour, the tree was being felled piece by piece.

The stump of the felled tree. (Bi-College News/Jessica Schott-Rosenfield)


  • Jessica Schott-Rosenfield

    Jessica Schott-Rosenfield is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Bi-College News. She is a junior at Haverford College double-majoring in English Literature and Classics, and minoring in Religion.

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