Getting a Head Start on the Second Semester

By Holden Davitian, Staff Editor

As the fall semester is coming to a close and we’re all gearing up for final exams, now is a good time to start planning ahead for when we return to campus in January. Although it’s natural for us all to reminisce on all that we have learned this past semester and relish our accomplishments, winter break is the perfect chance to get a head start on the second semester.

Whether you are confident in and excited about your upcoming schedule or are looking forward to shopping multiple classes, there are universal steps to take to ensure we are as prepared as we can be for when January 21 rolls around.

Tip #1 – Visualize Your Schedule

Review your weekly schedule with your classes and any other weekly events that you know will be taking place. The visual of a schedule, especially in the form of a calendar, can help you acclimate to your new weekly agenda. Perhaps, even try imagining yourself leaving and entering all your classes to get a mental picture of what your daily “commute” will be. 

Tip #2 – Review Course Content

This tip is probably the most strenuous. Nevertheless, reflect on what classes you will be taking and whether or not you need a content refresher before stepping into the first class. For example, if you have taken a previous class in the subject in freshman year, or even high school, it would be a good idea to review your notes or syllabus to ensure you have a solid foundation for your upcoming course.

Tip #3 – Knowing Your Classmates

If your professors have already made their Moodle sites, go ahead and look at the class participants to see if you recognize anyone. If so, you can start to get an idea on how to form study groups and get ahead on finding friends for support and to commiserate with.

Tip #4 – Take a Step Back and Reflect

To be truly prepared for next semester, take a step back and reflect on what did and didn’t work for you this semester. Consider study habits, bedtimes, eating patterns, or general self-care. Think about how you can alter these behaviors to ensure next semester is the most productive it can be.

Best of luck on semester two! And finally, be sure to reward yourself by taking a true, well earned break this holiday season. While it’s smart to get a head start on your second semester, make sure you are rested, energized and ready to dive back into school once we return.

Image credit: Haverford College Libraries


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