Bi-Colleges Revert Back to Trump-Era Title IX Policies

Nearly two weeks after a federal judge in Kentucky struck down the short-lived Title IX policies written by President Biden’s administration, Bryn Mawr College announced to its students in an email that the school was officially returning to the policies put in place during President Trump’s first term as president. The following day, Haverford sent a similar email denoting the sudden shift in federal policy.

The email, written by acting co-Dean Tomiko Jenkins, was sent out to students Tuesday afternoon. It alerts students that, as a result of the changing federal policies, Bryn Mawr is set to “once again comply with the Title IX Regulations issued in 2020.”

In a similar note, Haverford’s interim Title IX coordinator Raquel Esteves-Joyce notified students of the change and stated that “the College commits to sharing additional information as it becomes available.”

For both colleges, policies such as live cross-examinations and higher standards of proof, which are often criticized by gender rights lawyers for unfairly targeting victims of assault, will most likely be reinstated.

Both colleges offered words of assurance in the midst of the change.

“Then, and now, Bryn Mawr College remains steadfast in its commitment to providing an educational and employment environment that is free from discrimination and harassment based on protected characteristics, as well as free from retaliation for engaging in protected activity,” Dean Jenkins wrote.

And while her email noted that specific policy changes, which have yet to be officially announced by the school, would take place, she also reassured students that certain protections would remain in place. These included a written notice of the allegations, an equitable resolution process, supportive measures, reasonable sanctions, prompt communication, and well-trained professionals free from personal bias.

In alignment with this, Esteves-Joyce denoted the trying times and directly addressed recent legislation put in place by Trump’s administration that targeted LGBTQ+ individuals.

“The College stands united and in support of our LGBTQIA+ community members, and other people whose identities have been marginalized and targeted,” she stated in her email.

President Trump, who was sworn into office less than a week ago, has already put in place a slew of executive orders that are aimed at the LGBTQ+ community; most notably, individuals who identify as transgender.

On Jan. 20, he put in place his most aggressive order yet, which announced that the federal government would only recognize the male and female gender. The order also repealed legislation that protected LGTBQ+ individuals, including the Department of Education’s Title IX guidelines regarding transgender rights.

“My Administration will defend women’s rights and protect freedom of conscience by using clear and accurate language and policies that recognize women are biologically female, and men are biologically male,” the order stated.

Bryn Mawr and Haverford will most likely continue to be impacted and change their school policies in accordance with President Trump’s administrative policies.


  • Hannah Epstein

    Hannah Epstein is currently Co-Editor in Chief of the Bi-College Newspaper and part of Bryn Mawr class of 2026. For direct inquiries, please contact her at

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