2019–2020 Editors

This page is an archive of editors from the 2019–2020 academic year.


Gwynne Dulaney ’20 is a senior at Bryn Mawr and one of the Co-Editors-in-Chief of the Bi-College News, hailing from Roxbury, Connecticut. A classical studies major, Gwynne intends for her ghost to forever haunt the Bi-Co Newsroom after graduation.

Jo Mikula ’20 is a Haverford senior and the other Co-Editor-in-Chief of the paper. Jo grew up in Washington, D.C., and is an English major. She hopes that she and her newspaper-wife, Gwynne, will live a happy Bi-Collegiate life together after receiving their degrees.

Adrian Velonis ’22 is a sophomore computer science major at Haverford with an English minor at BMC. He is an opinion editor and website manager, and is also involved with the fencing team, outdoors club, and does Scottish country dance. He wishes that people from New York City would stop calling his home town of Dobbs Ferry, New York “upstate” (Westchester is literally right there).

Equally awesome people who will be getting bios very soon:

  • Lizzie Allen (BMC ’22)
  • Leo Baudhuin (BMC ’23)
  • Claire Blood-Cheney (HC ’20)
  • Holden Davitian (BMC ’23)
  • Anna Hsu (BMC ’22)
  • Catherine Lin (BMC ’23)
  • Isabel Oalican (BMC ’23)
