Nazi Hunting: A Short Response to a Chabad Talk

By Kate Hawthorne, Staff Editor

A former prosecutor for the United States Department of Justice, Office of Special Investigations spoke at the Rohr Center for Jewish Life at Haverford about his experiences Nazi Hunting. Mr. Goldberg shared a variety of anecdotes from his time in the Office of Special Investigations pursuing ex-Nazi Party members who had applied for entrance to the United States under false pretenses, during his talk on Thursday, Feb. 8.

Mr. Goldberg brought up a number of fascinating ethical issues that occurred during his time at the Office of Special Investigations and reached out to audience members to consider what they would have done under the circumstances. These ethical questions allowed students to consider what they would have done in the face of some of the same issues that Mr. Goldberg and his colleagues encountered when making their decisions regarding ex-Nazi Party members found in the United States.

Mr. Goldberg shared that his experiences while working in the department helped shape his views on modern day anti-Semitism and the current status of the state of Israel. He engaged with a number of questions regarding his views on these topics in a tactful manner that made clear his views while respecting the questioners’ opinions. Mr. Goldberg was an engaging speaker who, although retired from his career in law, is very active in philanthropy (particularly Jewish-based philanthropy), and continues to fight prejudice and anti-Semitism.

Picture from The Tri-Co Rohr Center for Jewish Life Chabad House’s website


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