BREAKING: Bi-Co Publications to Merge into Joint BiClerkSensus

Due to ongoing financial issues as a result of budgeting issues at Haverford, the Bi-College News and Haverford’s Clerk and Consensus will all merge into one publication to better serve the bi-college community. This venture will be called The BiClerkSensus.

Aside from resolving financial restraints, The BiClerkSensus will also allow news to be disseminated with greater ease. The Clerk staff and Consensus have published articles in the Bi-College News, marking the first signs of this merger.

The vast financial solvency of the Bi-Co News makes this a financially beneficial decision for all of the Colleges. The Clerk and Consensus will move into the Bryn Mawr newsroom effective immediately. This merger will not take full budgeting effect until fall 2024, due to Self Governance Association and Student Council finance bylaws.

There is precedent for such a merger, as the Bi-Co News was formed by The Haverford News and The College News joining in 1968.

The Bi-Co News is excited to welcome the Clerk and Consensus to the newsroom. This move is the latest step out of an ongoing media takeover from the Bi-Co across all campuses. The Swarthmore Phoenix is the next potential strategic partner and possible member of the media family.

The Clerk is pleased to merge with the Bi-Co News and Consensus in what we hope will be a mutually agreeable and profitable arrangement. The Clerk was founded to ensure consistent and accurate news coverage of the Haverford campus, and we feel that this merger is the best way to continue serving this vision.

The Haverford Consensus is thrilled to announce that the Bi-Co News gave us a lot of money to join this merger. In accordance with our editors’ commitment to “putting the shareholders first” and “living a rock-star lifestyle,” The Consensus will happily accept the 30% pay increase and continue to provide the hard-hitting satire that the Bi-Co so desperately needs. 


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